    A decision problem $P$ is decidable if
      \item $P$ is semidecidable, and
      \item $\overline{P}$ is semidecidable.
  The following question is undecidable, but semidecidable:
  \begin{block}{Halting problem}
    Does TM $M$ reach a halting state for input $w$? \textcolor{gray}{(Input: $M$ and $w$.)}
  (Semidecidable: execute $M$ on $w$ and wait.)
  The following question not decidable and \alert{not} semidecidable:
  \begin{block}{Universal halting problem}
    Does TM $M$ reach a halting state on all $w \in \Sigma^*$?  \textcolor{gray}{(Input: $M$.)}
  (The complement is also not semidecidable.)