\begin{frame}{Context-Sensitive Languages are Recursive}
    Context-sensitive languages are recursive.
    Let $G$ be a context-sensitive grammar.

    We argue that there exists a Turing machine $M$ accepting $L(G)$.    

    Let $w \in T^*$ be the input word. 

    The are finitely words over $V \cup T$ of length $\leq |w|$:
      \item $M$ can compute the set $\{\, u \mid S \Rightarrow^* u,\; |u| \le |w| \,\}$
      \item $M$ accepts $w$ if $w$ is among these words.\\
        (Otherwise $M$ halts in a non-accepting state.)
    Then \alert{$M$ accepts $L(G)$} and \alert{always reaches a halting state}.