\begin{frame}{Turing Machines}

  We introduce a \emph{blank symbol $\Box$}.
  The initial tape content is
    \cdots \Box\Box\Box\Box \;\; \text{input word} \;\; \Box\Box\Box\Box\cdots\\[-3.5ex]
  There is a finite set of states $Q$ and a finite tape alphabet $\Gamma$.
    The transition function $\delta$ has the form
      \alert{\delta : Q \times \Gamma \to Q \times \Gamma \times \{\,L,R\,\}}
    Here $\delta$ is a \emph{partial function}: $\delta(q,a)$ may be undefined.
    \alert{$\delta(q,a) = (q',b,X)$} means: if
      \item the machine is in state \alert{$q$}, and
      \item the head reads \alert{$a$} from the tape
      \item then $a$ is overwritten by \alert{$b$}, 
      \item the head moves $1$ position \alert{left} if $X = L$, \alert{right} if $X = R$, and
      \item the machine switches to state \alert{$q'$}.