\begin{frame}{Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages (1961)}
    Let $w \in L$ with $|w| \geq m$. 
    Consider a derivation tree for $w$.
    There is a path of length $\ge k + 2$. Consider the longest path. 
    As there are only $k$ variables, there must be 
    a variable $A$ that occurs twice among the last $k+1$ variable nodes of the path.
      We have $w=uvxyz$ with
        \item \alert{$S \Rightarrow^* uAz$} 
        \item \alert{$A \Rightarrow^+ vAy$}
        \item \alert{$A \Rightarrow^+ x$}
        \item \alert{$S \Rightarrow^+ uv^ixy^iz$} for every $i\geq 0$.
      \item $\alert{|vxy| \leq m}$ as the subtree generating $vxy$ has depth $\leq k+2$,
      \item $\alert{|vy| \geq 1}$, since there are no $\lambda$ and unit productions.\hfill \qed