\begin{frame}{Exercises (2)}
    \emph{Show that the following language is context-free:}
      L = \Sigma^* \setminus \{\, ww \mid w \in \Sigma^* \,\}
    where $\Sigma = \{a,b\}$.
    What shape do words $w \in L$ have?
      \item $w$ has \emph{odd length}; \vspace{-.5ex}
      \item $w$ has \emph{even length} such that \pause $w = uv$ with $|u| = |v|$ and \pause %\vspace{-.5ex}
          u(m) \ne v(m)
        for some $0 \le m < |u|$. \pause Let $n = |u| - m-1$. Then $w$ is in 
            &\,\Sigma^m \, \{\,a\,\} \, \Sigma^n \,\, \Sigma^m \, \{\,b\,\} \, \Sigma^n \\
            \cup\; &\underbrace{\Sigma^m \, \{\,b\,\} \, \Sigma^n}_{u} \, \underbrace{\Sigma^m \, \{\,a\,\} \, \Sigma^n}_{v}
            && \raisebox{1.5ex}{$=$} &&
              &\,\Sigma^m \, \{\,a\,\} \, \Sigma^m \,\, \Sigma^n \, \{\,b\,\} \, \Sigma^n \\
              \cup\; &\underbrace{\Sigma^m \, \{\,b\,\} \, \Sigma^m}_{u} \, \underbrace{\Sigma^n \, \{\,a\,\} \, \Sigma^n}_{v}

    We give a context-free grammar for the language:
      S &\to AB \mid BA \mpause[1]{\mid A \mid B} &
      A &\to XAX \mid a & X \to a \mid b\\
      B &\to XBX \mid b